Kamis, 25 November 2010

Istilah- istilah dalam komputer

1. Motherboard atau biasa juga disebut mainboard merupakan sebuah papan utama dimana terdapat komponen-komponen serta chip controller yang bertugas mengatur lalu lintas data dalam sistem motherboard. Fungsi umum dari Motherboard adalah tempat memasangkan processor, RAM, VGA Card, Sound Card, Internal Modem, dan lain-lain.

2. Keyboard adalah peranti untuk mengetik atau memasukkan huruf, angka, atau simbol tertentu ke perangkat lunak atau sistem operasi yang dijalankan oleh komputer. Papan ketik / keyboard terdiri atas tombol-tombol berbentuk kotak dengan huruf, angka, atau simbol yang tercetak di atasnya. Dalam beberapa sistem operasi, apabila dua tombol ditekan secara bersamaan, maka akan memunculkan fungsi khusus atau pintasan yang telah diatur sebelumnya.

3. Scanner merupakan suatu alat yang digunakan untuk memindai suatu bentuk maupun sifat benda, seperti dokumen, foto, gelombang, suhu dan lain-lain. Hasil pemindaian itu pada umumnya akan ditransformasikan ke dalam komputer sebagai data digital.

4. Printer adalah alat untuk mencetak data yang dikirimkan oleh komputer. Data yang dikirimkan dapat berupa tulisan, tabel, gambar maupun foto di atas kertas.

5. Processor (Unit Pengolah Pusat) atau sering disebut CPU adalah pusat pelaksana seluruh kerja komputer. Merujuk kepada perangkat keras komputer yang memahami dan melaksanakan perintah dan data dari perangkat lunak.

6. Memory adalah Perangkat Keras (Hardware) yang berfungsi mengolah data dan instruksi. Semakin besar memori yang di sediakan, semakin banyak data maupun intruksi yang dapat di olahnya. Memory juga berfungsi sebagai Media penyimpanan data. Memory terbagi 2 yaitu : ROM dan RAM.

7. RAM (Random Access Memory) adalah Memory tempat Penyimpanan sementara pada saat komputer di jalankan dan dapat di acces secara acak atau random. Fungsi dari RAM adalah mempercepat Pemprosesan data pada komputer. Semakin besar RAM yang Anda miliki, semakin cepatlah Komputer yang anda miliki.

8. ROM (Read Only Memory) adalah Memory yang hanya dapat di baca, tidak dapat di hapus dan sudah di isi oleh pabrik pembuat komputer (Tidak bisa di setting kembali). Perintah pada ROM sebagian akan di pindahkan ke RAM.

9. Mouse adalah perangkat yang berfungsi menggerakan pointer,menunjukan perintah atau program pada layar monitor. Pada mouse terdapat klikan kiri dan klikan kanan.Pada klik kiri 1x berfungsi untuk memilih menu atau icon dan klik kiri 2x untuk membuka menu yang dituju.

10. Hard disc adalah sebuah komponen perangkat keras yang menyimpan data sekunder dan berisi piringan magnetis, diciptakan pertama kali oleh insinyur IBM, Reynold Johnson di tahun 1956. Data yang disimpan dalam Hard disc tidak akan hilang ketika tidak diberi tegangan listrik.

11. Sound card adalah suatu perangkat keras komputer yang digunakan untuk mengeluarkan suara dan merekam suara. Pada awalnya, Sound Card hanyalah sebagai pelengkap dari komputer. Namun sekarang, sound card adalah perangkat wajib di setiap komputer.

12. VGA, singkatan dari Video Graphics Adapter adalah standar tampilan komputer analog yang dipasarkan pertama kali oleh IBM pada tahun 1987. Kartu VGA berguna untuk menerjemahkan keluaran komputer ke monitor.

13. Power Supply adalah sebuah piranti elektronika yang berguna sebagai sumber daya untuk piranti lain, terutama daya listrik. Pada dasarnya pencatu daya bukanlah sebuah alat yang menghasilkan energi listrik saja, namun ada beberapa pencatu daya yang menghasilkan energi mekanik, dan energi yang lain.
14. Universal Serial Bus (USB) adalah standar bus serial untuk perangkat penghubung, biasanya kepada komputer namun juga digunakan di peralatan lainnya seperti konsol permainan, ponsel dan PDA. USB dapat menghubungkan peralatan tambahan komputer seperti mouse, keyboard, pemindai gambar, kamera digital, printer, hard disk, dan komponen networking.

15. Software (Perangkat lunak) adalah istilah umum untuk data yang diformat dan disimpan secara digital, termasuk program komputer, dokumentasinya, dan berbagai informasi yang bisa dibaca dan ditulis oleh komputer. Dengan kata lain, bagian sistem komputer yang tidak berwujud. Istilah ini menonjolkan perbedaan dengan perangkat keras komputer.

16. Hardware (Perangkat keras ) adalah semua bagian fisik komputer, dan dibedakan dengan data yang berada di dalamnya atau yang beroperasi di dalamnya, dan dibedakan dengan perangkat lunak (software) yang menyediakan instruksi untuk perangkat keras dalam menyelesaikan tugasnya.

17. Sistem operasi jaringan (network operating system) adalah sebuah jenis sistem operasi yang ditujukan untuk menangani jaringan. Umumnya, sistem operasi ini terdiri atas banyak layanan atau service yang ditujukan untuk melayani pengguna, seperti layanan berbagi berkas, layanan berbagi alat pencetak (printer), DNS Service, HTTP Service, dan lain sebagainya. Istilah ini populer pada akhir dekade 1980-an hingga awal dekade 1990-an.

Jumat, 03 Juli 2009

Sea Sight of The Greece - Cerpen Bahasa Inggris

Shirley was a beautiful woman of England. Yet, she was not young anymore Shirley was 42 year old already. She lived in Liverpool, the city where she was born.

One summer, her best friend, Jane invited her to go to holiday in Greece. Shirley never goes to Greece, she was curious about that country, so she decided to join with Jane in Holiday.

In the Greece Shirley and Jane stayed in a hotel near the beach. There, they welcomed by a friendly man named Costas. He was the manager of the hotel. One evening Shirley went to the bar for some beverage, she found Costas stood there and they begun a conversation.

“You know, I have a boat located near this beach. Actually it belongs to my brother, but if you want, we can go for a ride tomorrow. What do you think?” said Costas to Shirley.
“Wow, it would be nice,” Shirley accepted the invitation and she went with Costas next day. They enjoyed their trip very much, especially Shirley who never sails with a boat.

Actually, Shirley likes the sights of Greece, so after the first trip, she went out with Costas every day. As usual they swam, sunbathed and spent much time together in the sea. They enjoyed it very much.

The end of holiday came, Shirley had to go back. She was in Airport already but, suddenly she decided to not to go home to Liverpool, her home town. She thought, she wanted to stay in Greece. Then, Shirley left the airport and went back directly to the hotel where Costas as the manager.

When Shirley had arrived she saw Costas in the bar with a woman and she decided to hear their conversation.
“Would you like to go for a ride in my brother’s boat?” said costas inviting the woman. But, Shirley didn’t care about that and she came nearer to them.

Costas was shocked when he found Shirley standing beside him and the woman. Costas was extremely surprise, He got Shirley smiled at him. Costas thought Shirley would angry with him but, Shirley only told her purpose that she was looking for a job in his hotel.

Shirley was not angry when she knew the fact that Costas was a playboy, because She was not in love with that man but, she fallen in love with the Greece and the sea sights of it.

Kamis, 25 Juni 2009


One day, a hunter named George caught an owl in his trap. It was a paradise owl. The owl begged George to free it. In return, the owl promised to give him three wishes. “Give me a large, luxurious, furnished house with a beautiful garden”, said George. And there, in front of him was the house he wanted. “Give me a very huge box of gold coins”, he asked. And again he got what he wanted. “Give me a very beautiful, loving wife who is good in cooking”. And he got what he wanted; there was a beautiful wife in front of him.

8 years later…….

They had a daughter named Sarah. She was 7 years old. In that age she was very ugly. Her father, George felt disgust. And then George expelled Sarah from the house. His wife only can cry. Tomorrow, the paradise owl came to the George house and asks George to looking for his daughter, Sarah. Then he did it because the paradise help him very much made him has a very wow life.

After 2 years…

George and his wife looking for her daughter anywhere. But they still not found Sarah. When George was watching television, He saw her daughter sing on an event on the television. She was a singer. She looks very beautiful now. She got make over. George called her wife and then they go to that television now quickly. After they arrived, suddenly Sarah in the lobby was interviewed with many reporters. When Sarah saw their parents, suddenly Sarah cry and huge her parents. George said sorry to Sarah. Because Sarah is a kind woman, she gave apologize. And they live happily ever after.



ne day, a hunter caught an owl in his trap. It was a paradise owl. The owl begged the hunter to free it. In return, the owl promise to give three wishes.

“Give me large, luxurious, furnished house with a beautiful garden,” said the hunter. And there, in front of him, was the house he wanted

“Give me a very huge box of gold coins,” he asked. And again he got what he wanted.

“Give me a very beautiful, loving wife who is good at cooking.” And surprisingly the owl became the women that the hunter wanted.

But, if the hunter wanted to marry her, she had two requirements. The hunter might not be allowed to catch an owl again. If the hunter still caught owl again, she didn’t want to marry him. Because of his love, he tries to keep his desire to didn’t catch any owl again. And he did it, so the women decided to marry him.

After lived for years, the hunter became very poor, in that is the wife was very lavish, couldn’t control the budget. Day by day the hunter became poorer. The gold coins from the owl were decrease each day.

At the end, the hunter felt so stress, because he became poorer than before. To solve this problem, he decided to end his life by fell to the river. The hunter’s wife became to its natural shape, which is an owl. The owl felt free again, and live happily.

Rabu, 10 Juni 2009

Puisi Sableng dan Pede
Kamu tuh lucu…
Setidaknya itu menurutku
Salahkah aku, berpendapat begitu ?
Gimana sih menurutmu ??

Mengenalmu sungguh berkesan bagiku
Meski tak pernah cukup waktu
Bagiku, untuk menyimpulkan itu
Biarin aja lah… toh emang t’rasanya begitu

Dibilang sayang…OK-lah aku emang sayang kamu
Tapi tenang aja deh, toh aku nggak maksa kamu
juga seperti itu
Paling kuhanya kangen ingin ketemu
Sekedar ingin jumpa s’bab t’lah mengenalmu

Mungkin nggak ya kamu dah bosen ketemu aku ??
Sebab naluriku berkata “kubanyak dosa ke kamu”
Pernah nggak ya…kamu kangenin aku ?
Saat Pe-Deku berbisik “aku berkesan di hidupmu”

Apapun dihatimu…itu hakmu
Suka-sukanya kamu, toh ini hanya perandaianku
Bagaimanapun, kamu tetap teman bagiku
Yang berarti, di setiap imajiku

dapet dari sebelah...

Kamis, 28 Mei 2009


This winter is the coldest winter i’ve ever experienced my whole not-so-very-long life. Cold in the actual mean caused me freezing in spite of the warmer that is working already. All I hope I need to do is stay at home and get myself warm whether in the tub or under thick blankets. But i do need to do a hell lot of things today. I’ve told Lisa to expect me this morning for her extra lesson cause her mother asked me to. In the afternoon I need to visit Feinne, my fiancee at her house. She’s sick and she needs me by her side, hahaha. But I can’t stay there for the rest of the day cause my former band will play in the Shaky Rods, a nice bar just outside the town. At least i can show my appreciation by watching them play. Playing songs that i wrote. Singing lines that I used to sing. Pah, I remembered that I also need to pay some bills and buy three lamps. I really need to replace that garden lamp and two other. Hell, It’s one heck of a day. So I get myself ready and hurried to the front door. Usually, snow blocked my house’s door so i’ve got to do some extra work to open it. And that Sunday morning was no different. I sighed and turn the door key open.

“No Lisa, no. You need to put your index finger across the fretboard and hold it tight so the strings sound like this,” I give her an example. Have any idea of what am I? Yes, I am a guitar teacher. What do i do? Well, I teach people playing guitar. Little kids usually, and they’re not so easy to learn, oh hell, they’re not so easy to even listen! But i wouldn’t be like what I am now if only I was not being so hardheaded and leave my parent’s house to be a musician. A young one’s dream. Always seems to be so pretty and reachable. Before i realize my poor luck and choose something more realistic.

“Hey Mister, why do people plays guitar? Isn’t it hard?” ask Lisa suddenly.

“Hmm..,” I think for a second, remembering my youth “Yes it’s hard. But they like it. They like strumming the guitar strings and make some music, carve smiles on other’s faces,” Oh yeah that sounds cheesy but hell, Lisa is a third grader.

“Is that so, Mister? But I don’t like ‘strumming the guitar strings’ so why do I even bother learning to play?” Lisa shows her doll. “I just love playing with my Genie here,”.

I left Lisa’s house earlier than usual. I can’t really stand kids like Lisa. She talks more than she listen. And in order to learn playing guitar, someone really need to listen. I hasten my steps so I can catch up with the 10 o’clock tram at the nearby stopping place. I can’t wait to see Feinne’s pale face. I know it’s weird but i like her being pale better that her usual bright red cheeks and cheerful face.

“Hey Fi, how do you feel?” I kissed her forehead. My lips burned. “Wow, you’re so.. hot,”

She smiled, a heavenly smile, “Well thank you,” and then she giggled.

I sat at the side of her bed and said, “You know what, i brought you Shiitake mushrooms. Your mom is cooking it as we speak,”

“Mushroom porridge for lunch then I suppose. She would never give me anything tastier than that,” She said.

“Haha,” I laughed, “That’s for your quick recovery silly,”

“Hey i’m not silly. I’m not the one who pays ten bucks for a 50 cents chocolate bar,” Feinne touched my cheek. It’s burning. She really got herself severe fever.

I shocked, “Wha.., that’s an old story. Don’t think that you still remember it. But you see, isn’t only the silliest woman in the whole world who would accept a proposal from someone that silly? You get what I mean?”

She opened her mouth like she’s going to laugh but no, she cough. One deep cough and blood spurted from her mouth. I don’t really know what to do so I just took the kleenex on the table right beside her bed and wiped the blood clean from her face and clothes. I whispered, “Take a deep breath honey, I’ll go get you some help,”. I stood, but she suddenly held my left arm tight. “Just a minute, wait here okay,” I calmed her. I drew my arm out of her hand and went out. I told Feinne’s mother what have happened and she called the ambulance.

I escorted her to the hospital, waited her to be examined and i can’t believe what i heard from this Dr. Graff guy. All the doctor said was that she suffered some rare disease which I’ve never heard before which is highly contagious and that she needs rest for the time being and cannot be diturbed by anyone but her family. So not even I can see her. I called her mother and tell her what had happened. She seemed pretty worried and said that she’ll go to the hospital whe Feinne’s dad came home. And now I’m standing at the empty hallway of the hospital, wondering what should I do. I glanced to my watch and decided to go to Shaky Rods now, knowing the band will play in five hours.

Chivas Regal and Cola. The only alcoholic drink I drink and I like. So i have a shot of it and hold it in my hand, not really have any intention to drink it now. And someone touched my back.

“Hey Alf, long time no see,” I said. Alf was my bandmate. He plays drum.

“Yeah, dude. Quite worried you died or something,” He called the bartender and told him to give him something strong.

“Yeah.., I was afraid at first. Leaving the band and trying to live some ‘normal’ life. But somehow I can manage to do it. How’s the band by the way?”

“As same as it always been. Been hiring six different people to take over your place at the vocal section but nothing satisfactory. Dan will be singing tonight.” Alf drank his shot without really thinking what inside. All he knew is it ‘something strong’.

“Good for him. He was the vocalist before I took his place,”

“Yeah, and sure as hell he didn’t happy about that,”

I smiled. An awkward smile. “So, why’re you here already? I thought you’ll play at eight tonight?”

“Well, yeah.. but I practically live in this bar. You know they have rooms rented on the second floor? That’s where I sleep,”.

“Wha.. you live here? With your wife and kids?” I shocked. I thought Alf is still living in his small comfy house on Eiden Street with his lovely wife and two cute daughters.

Alf shook his head slowly, “.., there was.. a problem,”

I spent the next two hours talking about his problem. And we wouldn’t stop if only Dan didn’t come and greet me. Then the rest of the band came and they’re doing some sound-checking when someone caught my attention. An asian girl was sitting alone in the corner, staring blankly to the stage. No, she’s not Chinese, I know some Chinese girls but she’s not like any them. She has those round black eyes unlike slanting eyes like a Chinese girl should be. Her skin darker than my chinese friends, and her shoulder-length hair is black. And her face is.., stunning. As if God Himself came down to the earth and carve it out of the finest material. The curves of her face is so natural and fit her slender tall figure. Wrapped in thin black winter-coat with a little fur accents, she looked so damn gorgeous


The story started in a big house where a mother and two beautiful girls lived. There was no man in that house because he was already dead. He left two beautiful girls from different mothers. First mother was dead and left him a beautiful little girl called Bawang Putih. Then after she became young girl, her father left her with a stepmother and a stepsister called Bawang Merah. It was a bad luck for Bawang Putih because her stepsister and her stepmother were not kind of person who liked her.

Bawang Putih was a maid in her own house. She did all the houseworks. She cleaned, washed and cooked. Her stepmother and her stepsister were the queens in the house.

In one usual day, Bawang Putih went to the river to wash her stepmother’s clothes. She accidentally washed away her mother’s shawl. That would be a problem because the shawl was her favorite. When her stepmother knew, she got furious. She kicked Bawang Putih off the street. She would not let Bawang Putih home if she could not find the shawl.

Bawang Putih walked fringing the edge of the river. Her eyes were looking for a piece of yellow shawl stacked on the rocks in the river. However, she did not see anything. Bawang Putih continued walking. She stopped in front of women who washed there. “Did you see a yellow shawl swept away?” Bawang Putih asked them.

“Yes. I saw it. Buto Ijo took it a while ago. Is it yours?” one of them asked Bawang Putih.

“Yes it is. I have to get there then” Bawang Putih said.

“Be careful Bawang Putih. Buto Ijo is crazy,” they warn her.

Buto Ijo was an old woman who lived alone. They said she was a little bit crazy. Her hair was like branches of tree, dirty and stiff. She lost almost her teeth and she liked talking alone. The rumor told Buto Ijo cooked from human bones. It was scary.

Bawang Putih came to Buto Ijo’s house. The house looked dirty and untidy. It is as no one ever lived there. She knocked the door carefully. She heard a walk came to the door. Bawang Putih was a bit afraid. The door was opened, a wrinkle face came from it. Her eyes looked sharply, she seemed did not like to be bothers. “What do you want?” the old woman asked suspicious. She did not smile at all.

“I’m looking for a shawl. It is yellow. The woman in the river said you had taken it. The shawl belongs to my mothers,” Bawang Putih said.

“Yes, I took it. “ Buto Ijo said. “But if you want it you have to stay here for a while and did what I order.”

“What do you want me to do?” Bawang Putih said.

“I want you to clean the house and garden. You also have to cook for me” Buto Ijo gave her conditions.

Bawang Putih agreed. She stayed there for a while, cooked and cleaned the house. Buto Ijo was not that scary like her thought. In fact, Buto Ijo was a nice old woman and funny. She liked her. After couple of days, Buto Ijo gave the shawl to her. Before Bawang Putih left the house, Buto Ijo gave her pumpkin. “These are pumpkin. One of them is yours, Bawang Putih and open it when you get home,” Buto Ijo said. Bawang Putih took the small pumpkin. “Thank you Buto Ijo” she said. Bawang Putih then went home.

In her house, Bawang Merah sliced the pumpkin. She was surprised seeing there was a bunch of jewelry in it. Her stepmother and her stepsister were surprised too. “Where did you get that?” her stepsister asked.

“Buto Ijo gave it to me,” Bawang Putih said. Then she told them the story.

Bawang Merah wanted to get a pumpkin with jewelry in it too. The she went to the river and washed away her shawl in purpose. She followed the shawl and she saw Buto Ijo took it. She went to Buto Ijo’s house and asked her for the shawl. Buto Ijo said if Bawang Merah wanted her shawl she had to stay there for a while and she had to do the housework. It was just as she asked to Bawang Putih. For a pumpkin of jewelry, Bawang Merah agreed to stay there and do the houseworks.

After couple of days, Buto Ijo gave her shawl. Before Bawang Merah left the house, Buto Ijo gave her a pumpkin. Bawang Merah was very happy. Her head was full with images of jewelry. Bawang Merah took the big pumpkin. She ran to her house. She could not wait to slice the pumpkin and get the jewelry out of it.

When she got home, she took the knife and cut the pumpkin. She got surprised seeing snakes came out from it instead of jewelries. She threw the pumpkin and ran out the house.